You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart – Jeremiah 29:13
We came across this article by Kelly Canfield and we find it so relevant today that we are happy
to share it with you. Enjoy and pass it on to others!!

Dry seasons happen. And, although it can feel like it, a dry season doesn’t mean you’re a bad
Christian. Quite the opposite, actually. It makes you a normal Christian. When your prayers
feel like ping pong balls bouncing off the ceiling of heaven, and your Bible time is as refreshing
as a drink of hot desert sand, don’t despair. You really are normal.
There are a few things to remember, before we talk about how to get through seasons of
spiritual dryness.
Dry seasons have a purpose.
More than anything else, a drought makes you dig deeper into your relationship with God. It is
often a precursor to big growth.
Also, the desert has a way of pinpointing things we otherwise miss. Bitterness, hurts, wrong
priorities…God can use the loneliness of dry times to surface issues that He wants to free us

Dry season have a beginning and an end.
It will not last forever. Promise. Although it might feel as unending as the Sahara, your desert
experience is only going to last for a very specific, finite length of time. As we already discussed,
God uses these experiences in our lives for a purpose, and when that purpose is accomplished,
we will find ourselves on the other side. What seems interminable now will someday be
nothing more than a punctuation mark (or maybe a short paragraph) in your story.

Dry seasons happen to everyone.
When you’re in the middle of a drought in your walk with God, it can feel utterly isolating.
Whether you’re a new Christian or an old one, times like these can tip you off balance and take
you by total surprise. Shame is quick to jump in, accusing you of being the only one to struggle,
to wrestle, to feel…nothing.
The simple fact is, every Christian goes through at least one dry season. And, although God is
quiet, it doesn’t mean He’s not there (He is) or that He’s not working (He is.)
So, let’s get practical, fellow desert travellers. Here’s 7 simple steps to take when your
relationship with God feels dry-as-dust.

  1. Get honest with God.
    Tell Him exactly how you’re struggling. Chances are, there’s some utterly unhelpful doubt
    niggling in the back of your mind that makes you wonder, “What did I do that made God wash
    His hands of me? Why doesn’t He want to talk to me anymore?” It doesn’t matter if you feel
    like you got in this quiet season by accident or through some fault of your own, it’s important to
    remember that God isn’t mad at you. Repent of anything you need to, but then move on. It’s
    easy to get ashamed of feeling far away from God, but the truth is: He already knows, and He
    already wants to help you. He wants to use this time in a special way in your life. Keep the lines
    of communication open. (A journal is a great way to do this.)
  2. Get honest with a few trusted friends (and surround yourself with Godly people).
    You might be surprised by how many others have had similar experiences. Not only will a few
    close friends be able to encourage you or give you some fresh ideas, they will also provide
    accountability. Discouragement is common in the desert, and having someone check in with
    you regularly will help keep you moving in the right direction.
  3. Remember that feelings are only a part of any relationship
    It’s no different when it comes to your relationship with God. Your feelings, while important,
    are only part of the picture. When you’re not feeling it, don’t forget that not only have you
    made a commitment to God – He’s made a commitment to you! And although your feelings
    indicate otherwise, He’s not going to break His word. He is truly faithful, and He will bring you
    through any desert. This time is not wasted, and He will use it for some good purpose in your
  4. Dig deep into God’s Word.
    When you’re in the middle of a dry spell, opening your Bible might seem like a waste of time. In
    fact, it’s exactly what you need, whether it feels like it makes a difference or not. Here’s a few
    things that might help:
     Enlist accountability. Ask someone to check in on you regularly to make sure you’re
    faithful in your daily devotions.
     Join a Bible study, or start one that challenges and intrigues you. There are so many
    wonderful studies available – online, with a small group, or individually
     Refresh regularly. A few little bits of encouragement throughout your day can add up to
    making a big difference. You could spend some time in the morning with your Bible
    study, read an encouraging devotion or blog post on lunch break, and wrap your day up
    with a few more moments of Bible study. Figure out what works for you.
  5. Pray.
    Ask God to show you if there’s anything that is obstructing your relationship. Ask Him to help
    you through this tough season. Ask Him to give you endurance, encouragement, and to learn
    through this time.
  6. Memorize Scripture
    Memorize Scripture that speaks to your season of struggle. Here’s one to start with: “The
    righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord
    is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person
    may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” (Psalm 34:17-19)
  7. Speak truth over yourself.
    Similar to memorization, reminding yourself of the truth is crucial to changing faulty thinking
    patterns. When you’re tempted to despair that God has left you for good, remind yourself
    instead that God will never leave you (Isaiah 42:16). When you feel like God’s love for you is
    gone and over, remind yourself that nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39).
    Identify what you’re wrestling with, and work on replacing lies with truth.
    There have been multiple “dry seasons” in my walk with God – some long, some short. I can tell
    you, though, that they have always had a purpose, they have always come to an end, and I am
    utterly convinced that they happen to every believer at some point or another.
    So, if you’re in the Dust Bowl, too…hang in there. Rains in the forecast.
    Grace, peace, and we’re in this together,

Stay blessed!
Please continue to join us on Asempa 94.7 FM – Sundays 5.30 am., Sunny 88.7 FM – Tuesdays
5:30 am; and Uniiq 95.7 Fm – Saturdays 7:30 pm; for our Radio Bible Study as well as Sunny
FM 88.7 FM every Sunday at 3:30 pm. for Hymns and their Stories.

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